Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Art Project #3: Self Portrait

I'll be honest when we started this assignment I just began drawing away not really listening to the instructions of how to properly do the assignment. Maele had told us to think of each eye/nose/mouth not as it is but as lines and shapes. I didn't really think about it in that way and then I became really frustrated because my drawings weren't turning out the way I wanted them too. So I went home and I started  over with a whole new photo. I began drawing as shapes and lines and then when I was done it turned out much better. I learned a lot from picture two about perspective and shapes of each feature and what to change in the next drawing. I changed my jaw line which made me more identifiable and went into great detail with shading which really gave my picture depth and character. Drawing from a grid also helped with perspective and drawing each line and shape. This assignment was very challenging and time consuming but I am very happy with my result picture. 

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